Everything is Creativity

Most of us are creative geniuses… or at least we like to think we are. 

You get inspired by something and dive into a creative project, only to find that nothing else on your to-do list gets done.

Your team might think your neglecting important tasks, like the email you needed o write or the call you had to make.

I understand. Being in creation mode can feel like more fun than doing the tasks on your to-do list. I get into that same flow and just want to stay there. And you should! It’s part of what makes you brilliant and keeps you connected to the Universe.

But what about that to-do list? Full transparency here: I sat down to write this about 2 hours ago. I had a great idea and went off on a creative tangent that felt great - until I realized two hours had passed, I still had not written this email, and my to-do list was still glaring at me. 

I shifted my mindset. Writing an email is a creative venture. It is what led me down the creative path this morning. I had so many ideas for a blog that I began writing them down, and then one of them sparked a whole series.

The series was never going to get written and out the door today, but I can get it to a good stopping point before moving on to this email.

That was the mindset shift, realizing that writing an email is also creative. When you consider tasks like drafting emails, creating strategy, and reviewing email data, each has its creative element. 

You don’t have to stop being creative to complete your to-do list. Embrace the creative elements within the to-do list items. 

I will get back to the exciting series in a few hours. For now, I’m using my creativity to stay in touch with the community that supports and inspires me. That’s well worth my creative energy.


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