Is Your Business Leaking Money Like a Fairy Leaks Fairy Dust?
When was the last time you looked at your systems and processes? Often, you create a system or process, set it in motion, and then assume it will run indefinitely without needing updates – unless, of course, you wisely scheduled regular reviews.
In my experience, systems and processes rarely get updated. Even with a scheduled review, this task often falls to the bottom of the priority list and only gets attention when the system is so broken that it disrupts your revenue flow.
I understand your intentions are good. Reviewing a process can be time-consuming, even when it’s not working as effectively as you’d like. Fixing a process might not seem like it directly contributes to revenue, so there will always be something more pressing for your team to focus on.
The broken process very quietly becomes a slow money leak, creating extra work for your team every time it’s used. That is why the Evaluate stage of my signature GLEAMS Process is so important.
As part of this stage, I assess your processes and systems to identify which are working well, which need minor adjustments, and which should be completely redesigned. I also determine which processes are specifically effective for YOU and which need to be tweaked to meet the needs we identified in the first stage of the GLEAMS process - Listen.
I use the GLEAMS Process to create a strategic growth map for you, setting the stage for your next significant business leap. The Evaluate stage is my opportunity to locate and address money leaks, whether they manifest as time inefficiencies, resource mismanagement, or tool-related issues
I find common money leaks appear in your resource usage. A resource that is either over-scheduled or under-scheduled experiences different stressors, but both lead to money quietly floating out of the business. Another money leak occurs when a resource is hired for one role and is used for a different role that doesn’t align with their primary skill set or the job they were hired to do. This mismatch can happen for several reasons, such as the need to complete tasks without the right resources in place, or hiring someone without fully understanding their skills.
Money leaks can appear in your sales processes, marketing efforts, or anywhere in your business operations. By plugging the small leaks, you can save both time and money. As your business grows, you’ll need to redefine your processes and systems to ensure they support, rather than hamper, your growth trajectory.
Take the time to plug your money leaks. Business growth will come much easier if you ensure money isn’t quietly slipping through your fingers.